The Advent Hope Youth Foundation Inc.

The Advent Hope Youth Foundation Inc. is a non-profit public health research organization that was begun by high school and college students in 1993 who discovered that the world for all too many is not a very friendly place. They dreamed a better world, they dreamed of making a difference. Their dreams birthed us, The Advent Hope Youth Foundation. And now we are doing some very exciting and innovative things that are making differences in the lives of people all over the world.

Welcome to the up and coming website of the Advent Hope Youth Foundation!

The Advent Hope Youth Foundation Inc. is a non-profit public health research organization that was begun by high school and college students who discovered that the world for all too many is not a very friendly place. They dreamed a better world, they dreamed making a difference. Their dreams birthed us, The Advent Hope Youth Foundation. And now we are doing and planning some very exciting and innovative things that are making positive differences in people's lives.

As you use our site to peek in our windows, we’re sure you’re going to see something you like. Actually, we think you’re going to find something that you’d love to be a part of, so stay tuned and check back often as the site is developed. And remember, YOU make a difference!

The AHYF Inc. Staff
Helping 2 Hope